Where And How Is Hempcrete Used?
• Walls
• Attics or Lofts
• Plasters
• New Builds
• Insulating Older Homes
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Hempcrete FAQ
Hempcrete FAQ
What is hempcrete?
The main components of hempcrete are industrial hemp hurds (core), a lime binder, and water.
Where do I find lime binders?
Hemp hurds will need to be mixed with a lime binder. We do not sell lime binders. Example suppliers are LimeWorks Ecologic and TransMineral USA's Batichanvre.*
Should I take any protective measures when using hempcrete?
Protective goggles, gloves, masks, and other necessary PPE should be worn when mixing hempcrete, because hydrated lime is caustic.
Can I use hempcrete in the foundation of my building like concrete?
No, hempcrete cannot be used as the foundation for a structure.
If I use hempcrete for my walls, how does this change the materials used to construct the walls?
Hempcrete creates a monolithic structure, which acts as your OSB, insulation, and drywall. Framing is still required.
Can hempcrete be used as a structural material?
Hempcrete is a non-structural material which is cast around a timber, steel, or concrete frame.
Does hempcrete require a permit?
Hempcrete does not yet have a certification/standard from the International Code Council (ICC) or the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), so local building officials must be informed on a case-by-case basis. Although hempcrete has received approval by the British Board of Agrement, this certification does not help with the permitting process in the United States of America (USA).
*American Hemp assumes no liability from those who decide to mix and use hempcrete. Customers should consult and/or use a licensed general contractor, architect, and/or engineer when undertaking construction projects. American Hemp neither endorses, is affiliated with, nor guarantees assumed results.