Hemp Bast Fiber
Bast fibers are plant-based natural fibers, which are cellulosic fibers found in the phloem of the stalk of bast fiber crops like industrial hemp.
Hemp is annual crop with a growth cycle of as little as 90-100 days.
Since hemp bast fibers can be used in a variety of applications such as paper, textiles, composites, and many more, please contact us for requests relating to this product.
Benefits include lighter product weight, reduced energy usage, and more environmentally friendly manufacturing footprint, among others.

Bast Fiber Prototyping and Testing
Example Testing:
• Tensile
• Flexural
• Density
• Dimensional
• Microscopy
• Thermal
ExampleDesign and Prototyping
• Wovens for Fabrics
• Non-Wovens forInsulation and Growing Mediums
• Composites for Building and Automotive
Microscopic Images of Hemp Bast Fibers

Non-Woven Matt
Other Plant-Based Bast Fibers, Biomass, and Recycled Fibers Offered Include:

Post Harvest Cotton Stalks
