Hemp Horse Bedding Benefits
• Less Upkeep! Highly absorbent horse bedding
• Higher salvage rate, since it absorbs 4x its weight, saving time and money
• Hemp's characteristics help with ammonia and odor control
• Low dust alternative
• Biodegradable, natural, and sustainable
• More rapidly renewable than wood based beddings
• Composts fast and is less acidic than other beddings

Hemp Horse Bedding Application and Pricing
• Strip the stall and Spread 6-8 bags (30-40 cu. ft.) for a base (12’ x 12’ stall)
• Add 1-2 bags per week to replace hemp bedding lost from muck outs. Replace every 1-2 months
• Mist the material with water to optimally activate the hemp bedding's absorbent properties
• Muck out manure daily, wet spots daily to every other day, and stall - 1-2 months
• Usage depends on stall habits
• Bedding is most economical by the pallet, 1/2, or full truckload. Contact us for prices with delivery!

On the Record - Carmine (Horse Owner From Texas)
"We have been through many different shavings (labor intensive, a lot of waste, and poor decomposition) and wood pellets (terrible dust, respiratory irritation, and general mess everywhere). We have worked with the hemp for over 3 months and are very impressed with low dust it is - I hardly have to dust the barn anymore! We are also impressed with how little respiratory irritation the old horses are having.The volume of waste is minimal, in comparison to shavings, and hemp decomposes very quickly. I also place the used hemp bedding with manure on newly planted grass seeds. If I did not use hemp horse bedding, I would not place the used shavings and manure on the newly planted seeds, as they would stay on the grass forever.
Within 7-10 days, and some rain, the used hemp bedding seemed to melt away.For a "clean" horse who has tidy potty habits and is not a "walker", it takes only a few minutes to clean the stall, and I rarely have to add any hemp. It takes a quarter of the regular time to muck. For "dirty" horses or incessant "walkers" it is more of a challenge, but still better than anything I have used before.I really have nothing negative to say about the product, except I wish our government would allow us to grow and supply it locally to ourselves to continue to drive down the price. It is a great product, especially if you hate dust and like your barn neat and clean like me. In the long run, considering the time you save in labor, and your animals health, hemp horse bedding is definitely the best choice.I thought if hemp horse bedding is good enough for the Queen of England to use, its probably going to be good enough for me - and it was!"
On the Record - Nora (Horse Owner From California)
"The hemp horse bedding has been working great, especially when it rains or temperatures fall below freezing. My horse is especially fond of laying down on the hemp bedding. The bedding was super helpful when we had the a big storm last month and it basically did not stop raining for a whole week! The horses legs stayed dryer and warmer because of it.
I also like that one bag covers a decent amount of space, so I do not feel like my efforts are fruitless when I am putting in new bedding. I like the hemp horse bedding better than the wood shavings we have been using for years. The hemp bedding is less dusty, smells better longer, and when I was opening bags of shavings that covered a similar amount of space they would either explode or be really difficult to break up. Also I like that the material looks similar to shavings."
On the Record - Monica (Horse Owner From Delaware)
"We are loving the hemp bedding. I have been using it with both of our horses and in the chicken coop.
I really think it helps keep the flies down. I go into our horse run in where I mainly use it, and I stand and watch. There is hardly a fly around. Gnats, yes, but they are not a problem as flies can be. Our horse dry-lot and run-ins house 8 horses, so saying the flies are down, that is huge for us!"
American Hemp's Sample Application Video
Photos of American Hemp's Visit to Wellington, FL, USA

Before the Evening's Events
American Hemp Preparing for the Evening's Events in Wellington, FL, USA (Picture by American Hemp LLC, NC)

Hunter Event in Wellington, FL, USA
Hunter Horse Event (Picture by American Hemp LLC, NC)

Jumper Event in Wellington, FL, USA
Jumper Horse Event (Picture by American Hemp LLC, NC)

Break by the Lake
Break by the Lake to Visit Our Good Friend Nature (Picture by American Hemp LLC, NC)